DPS-4.1 er siste frukt fra Furutech`s geniale utviklingsteam av ingeniører.
Når vi terminerer med Furutech`s nye NCF kontakter ( FI-E50NCF / FI-50NCF ) så har vi antagelig den mest formidable strømkabel på markedet i DPS-4.1
Ferdig terminert av PM Audio: 1m: Pris ut av butikk:: kr 19245,-
Meterpris: kr 4995,-
Pris pr kontakt ( FI-E50/FI-50NCF ): kr 3465,-
Totalt for kontaktene: kr 6930,-
Totalt for 1 meter ferdig terminert kabel: kr 11925,-
Vi har aldri før sett en strømkabel bygget opp på denne massive måten før.
Fra ytterst til innerst:
- Tykk ytterkappe
- Papirbelegg
- Flettet kopperskjerm
- Folieskjerm
- Lag av keramiske partikler, karbonpulver sammensetning i nanostørrelse
- Mellomlegg
- Bomullsfyll
- Ytre lederisolasjon - spesialkvalitets PE
- Indre lederisolasjon - Fluorpolymer
- Ledere - indre lag: Alpha - OCC
- Ledere mellomlag:Alpha DUCC-venstre revolvert
- Ledere ytre lag: Alpha DUCC - høyre revolvert
The Furutech DPS-4 is a remarkable cable in all aspects, if not to say exceptional. Not only it frees the potential of the electronics connected to it, but it also can show us, in a
merciless way, the elements of our system, which need some extra work. But instead of stigmatizing the anomalies, it just tells us, where to put it, and where to use it with
subsequent upgrades. It seems also to be a great addition to the higher positioned, in the company hierarchy, NanoFlux-NCF, with which it can create a true dream team
offering above average resolution as well as incredibly addictive musicality.
Due to the fact, that the DPS-4 is a product “from spool”, the distributor of the brand –
the Katowice based RCM – decided to terminate it with the newest line of plugs from the FI-50 NCF(R) series. You must confess, that this sounds very interesting, so I invite
you again to read through the test, not very long, but full of positive impressions.
Like I said, the first contact was for me quite a challenge for visual acceptance, and the only savior for the DPS-4 was its sound. But listening to the effect of plugging in the
Japanese cable into my system, the confirmed will to create a vital musical spectacle, made the color of the cable absolutely negligible, and after a few days I was just enjoying
the sound. Where would I recommend the tested cable? Truly? Everywhere. There is only one but. There can be no qualitatively worse cable after it, or the whole effect will be
lost. The tested cable should be the last in chain or have an equally capable successor. I know, because I tested that many times. So the only thing left to you is to get used to the
color (I assure you, this can be done), and then start worrying about your wallet. But I must warn you, the Furutech DPS-4 does not take captives. I fell.
Jacek Pazio